Organisations Database
The resource has been compiled to create a running database of organisations which employ economics and policy students. The sheet has information on the type of hiring, timelines, and the organisation's work. Much of this information exists online but had not yet been collated in one resource. Our aim was precisely to document the information in one place and supplement it with our members' knowledge and experience in the area. Prospective job applicants/ students seeking-internship can use this as a tracking sheet for their applications. Please read the 'How to Use' steps before looking at the sheet. Good luck applying!
Career Resources
Women in Econ/Policy: Our fortnightly newsletter compiles job postings shared on our WhatsApp groups and delivers them straight to your inbox (along with readings on development challenges with a gender focus). Subscribe here, and view previous editions on our website
The Policy Post by Public Policy India (PPI): The Policy Post is PPI’s weekly newsletter that brings to their publications, products and updates. It’s delivered straight to your inbox every Friday. It includes an entire compilation, a carefully curated list of the latest job and internship opportunities in the field of public policy, communications and the development sector every week so that you don’t miss out on any of them! Read more about it here.
Public Policy by Liam Geevan: This newsletter has one of the largest curations of think tank and events from around the world, and is delivered twice a week to your inbox. Read about it here.
- DevNetJobsIndia: Contains development jobs and consulting opportunities in India
UNJobs: Vacancies with United Nations and other international organizations
Econ RA India: Resources for economics research assistants in India, compiled by Professor Aaditya Dhar
EconRIN: A complete guide to economics research internship in India
JPAL's Research Resources: JPAL's resources are a good starting point for learning about Randomised Control Rirals (RCTs). A knowledge of RCTs can be helpful if you are looking to apply to organisations such as JPAL, EPoD, IFMR, etc, or applying to work with professors conducting RCTs. You can find the resources here.
Running Randomized Evaluations (RRE): If you are looking to understand technical aspects of RCTs in more detail, RRE is the perfect book/website to refer to. This can help you prepare for the technical rounds of positions that require a knowledge of RCTs. The website is here.